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Write Right : Paragraph To Essay

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準A1-B1

Write Right: Paragraph To Essay提供學生一個平易近人的方向去學習論文寫作,從文章架構Topic Sentences , Body Paragraph, Conclusion到學習寫出自己的Thesis, 再用Main Points/ Supporting Details去證明自己的論點,並提供網狀思考與各種句型使用,讓複雜的寫作整個親切了起來。

Great Writing 1-5

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準A2-C1

The Great Writing是一套成熟且細心編輯的寫作課本,第一冊教Great Sentences for Great Paragraph寫出完整的好句子,第二冊是好的段落,第三冊開始寫論文,第四冊完全是論文,最後第五冊往Research Paper邁進,字彙練習包含搭配詞(collocation)、詞性、並標示Academic Word List常用學術單字,指導學習者精準且有效地使用英文用字。並有許多寫作題型、學術專用的句型、段落寫作以及論文寫作,並提供托福與雅思檢定考試的準備訓練。是對寫作要精進的學生們,不可多得的好教材。

The Great Writing Series uses clear explanations and extensive practical activities to help students write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Each book contains a wide variety of writing models in carefully selected rhetorical styles that provide practice in working with the writing process to develop a final piece of writing.
