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Communicating in Business English
Communicating in Business English, Second Edition is a two-book series for learners of English looking to enhance their communication skills for the fast-paced world of international business.
CEFR Level B1+

English for Everyone: Business English, Course Book
Everything you need is included in English for Everyone: Business, Course Book–it’s a grammar book and vocabulary builder all in one. English grammar and business terms are tied into common work scenarios that are simply explained using innovative graphics, making them easy to understand. All learning is practiced across speaking, listening, reading, and writing exercises, offering rounded preparation for real-life business situations including job applications, formal e-mails, negotiation, and more. Download the free app and practice online with free listening exercises at www.dkefe.com.

Pearson Market Leader
Market Leader 提供更深層的商業英文內容,是一本較進階且更具挑戰的課本
Market Leader 3rd Edition Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers.
It has been developed in association with the Financial Times, one of the leading sources of business information in the world. Financial Times material introduces students to topical business issues and builds the professional language and communication skills required for the modern world of business.