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進階教材 Advanced Materials

當學生上完百院的核心課程:Kid1-6 或Adult1-4後,您可以選擇下面課程,往前邁進更進階的英文領域。

1. 會話教材 Conversation Materials

Thematic Conversation 主題會話 初中高級

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準A2-C1


Private School Interview 私校面談練習


Sequences: Picture Stories for ESL 看圖說故事

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準A2-B1

看圖說故事由直觀的圖片幫助學生練習表達,例如去雜貨店、看醫生等,並有引導式的問題讓學生把話說出來,擁有會話與Critical Thinking等元素,在這個課程,學生才是主角。

Sequences: Picture Stories for ESL is a reproducible book for beginner ESL students. It includes 60 units. Each unit contains a drawings page. On each drawings page there is a sequence of six drawings, mostly without words or captions. The drawings show the sequence of events that go with a particular activity, such as going grocery shopping or visiting a doctor. Your students, with your input when necessary, identify the items and actions in the drawings. Each drawings page is complimented by a page of vocabulary building exercises.

Contemporary Topics 主題會話進階教材

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準A2-B2

Contemporary Topics運用當代流行與值得關注的主題去激發學生思考與表達,全系列共三冊,每冊 12 個單元,每單元有九大教學活動,依序建構學習鷹架,有效提高學生學術性聽講能力。每單元透過一個學術性演講拓展各領域的詞彙能力建構、筆記技巧學習、聽力策略發展,更透過主題了解,尋找未來職業方向。主題涵蓋學科領域都市規劃、多媒體設計、社會科學、資訊科學,並規劃成多個講述課程。

・Tune In 在單元學術演講課程前,預先聽一則和主題一致的訪談,幫助學生融入單元主題領域。
・Hear the Language 學習字音和聽力關鍵的連結,並藉此練習發音。
・Express Your Ideas 經過引導來準備、練習並向全班發表自己對主題的看法評論。
・Proficiency Assessment 透過另一則學術聽講和仿多益的選擇題練習,奠定未來檢定評測的基礎。(敦煌書局簡介)

2. 主教材

Weaving It Together 1-4

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準A2-C1

由National Geographic Learning 所編輯的Weaving It Together. 第四版透過主題式的閱讀和精心組織的寫作練習,每一章涵蓋了主題會話. Reading . Vocabulary. Reading Compression. Discussion . Critical Thinking. Writing Skills and Writing. 一步步地引導學生增進聽說讀寫的能力。 是一本非常棒的All around課本。+


▌每單元皆始於「What Do You Think?」,引導學生率先思考單元的主題及相關議題,提供衍生的背景知識,製造話題性及提高探索文章內容的興趣,讓閱讀過程更有動力。


▌寫作練習結合文法與寫作規則,衍生的各式循環練習幫助快速掌握寫作技巧以及句子、段落寫作的要領。1~2 冊強調句子以及段落寫作,3~4 冊則著重在論說短文寫作。



▌「Discussion and Critical Thinking」的問題,給予學生更多挑戰,以及結合相關的個人經驗,為學習者有效鋪陳後續的相關寫作材料跟結構。


▌「Weaving It Together」單元結合 Timed Writing ( 限時寫作 ) 及Search the Internet 活動,幫助學生擴展單元主題的背景知識,驗收學生的讀寫能力及研究技巧。

▌精選 National Geographic Explorers 擷取的主題文章,將世界帶入課堂,擴大學習者的眼界,題材新穎有趣,具流行性的主題可引起閱讀興趣,藉此更可激發寫作的創意及靈感。


▌「Readings from Literature」單元取材自經典文學及名著,多元文章題材,發展不同寫作風格。

Source: 敦煌書局

Reading Explorer Foundation + 1-5

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準A2-C1

Reading Explorer共六冊,每章一個主題,老師會先跟學生討論該主題後,再介紹新的單字,閱讀後再Reading Comprehension,是一套很成熟的閱讀與會話教材。

  • Real-world stories captivate and give them a better understanding of the world and their place in it
  • Reading Skill Sections provide the essential reading, academic, and critical thinking skills that learners require
  • Target Vocabulary Practice teaches the most useful words and phrases needed for academic reading
  • Engaging National Geographic video enhances the learning experience and allows learners to apply their language skills.

In Focus 1-3

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準A2-C1

由劍橋Cambridge所編輯的In Focus系列課程,主要再建構字彙、閱讀與Critical Thinking,本書系共分三級數,每個級數包含12個單元,課程安排採主題循環式教學,每6個單元為一個循環。高頻字彙的挑選,主要參照 2,800 字「基礎字彙表」與 1,000 字「學術字彙表 」,此 兩字表共 3,800 字,約已涵蓋 92% 學術文體中常見字彙量。累積高頻字彙量,將有助於學生放下字 典,進行流暢的英語文章閱讀。每單元皆附有實境影片與字彙練習活動,除加深記憶外,更有助於理解如何在真實語境中使用正確字彙。

In Focus is a three-level course for adult and young adult learners designed to build vocabulary, reading, presentation, discussion, and critical thinking skills. Each Student’s Book contains 12 topic-based units which are divided into two cycles of six general themes. Drawing upon research using the multi-billion-word Cambridge English Corpus, this course provides a lexical syllabus containing the most important words for second language learners of English. This syllabus comprises two word lists: a New General Service List (NGSL), a list of approximately 2,800 words; and a New Academic Word List (NAWL), a list of approximately 1,000 words that are especially useful for students who want to read academic texts in English. Together, these 3,800 words allow learners to understand 92 percent of the words in most English academic texts.

Source: 華泰書局

3. 寫作教材

Write Right : Paragraph To Essay

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準A1-B1

Write Right: Paragraph To Essay提供學生一個平易近人的方向去學習論文寫作,從文章架構Topic Sentences , Body Paragraph, Conclusion到學習寫出自己的Thesis, 再用Main Points/ Supporting Details去證明自己的論點,並提供網狀思考與各種句型使用,讓複雜的寫作整個親切了起來。

Great Writing 1-5

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準A2-C1

The Great Writing是一套成熟且細心編輯的寫作課本,第一冊教Great Sentences for Great Paragraph寫出完整的好句子,第二冊是好的段落,第三冊開始寫論文,第四冊完全是論文,最後第五冊往Research Paper邁進,字彙練習包含搭配詞(collocation)、詞性、並標示Academic Word List常用學術單字,指導學習者精準且有效地使用英文用字。並有許多寫作題型、學術專用的句型、段落寫作以及論文寫作,並提供托福與雅思檢定考試的準備訓練。是對寫作要精進的學生們,不可多得的好教材。

The Great Writing Series uses clear explanations and extensive practical activities to help students write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. Each book contains a wide variety of writing models in carefully selected rhetorical styles that provide practice in working with the writing process to develop a final piece of writing.

4. 文法教材

Grammar for Great Writing A-C

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準B1-C1

➤ 全套三冊,每冊15個章節,著重在學術寫作領域使用的文法及詞彙用法,適用於文法及學術寫作課程,亦可與同系列學術寫作教材Great Writing (Levels 2-4)搭配使用。

➤ 獨樹一幟的六步驟文法教學,從認識文法結構、學習文法規則、辨析常見錯誤、學術詞彙與文法綜合練習、到學術寫作的多元總複習,學生透過多重的實際演練,有效掌握學術寫作中的文法運用。

Source: 敦煌書局

Grammar for Great Writing is a three-book series that focuses on the key grammatical and lexical elements learners need to become more powerful academic writers. Ideal for the grammar component of a writing and grammar class, Grammar for Great Writing may be used as a companion to the Great Writing series or in conjunction with any academic writing series.

English Grammar In Use



Raymond Murphy’s English Grammar in Use is the world’s best-selling grammar reference and practice book for learners of English at intermediate (B1-B2) level. It’s perfect for self-study, but also ideal for supplementary grammar activities in the classroom. The fifth edition is available as a printed book and ebook with audio, for on-the-go learning. It comes with interactive exercises and integrated audio to help with listening and pronunciation skills.

Source: 華泰書局

Grammar In Focus 1-3

CEFR 歐洲共同語言標準 A1~A2

▌打破進階文法就是枯燥無味的老印象,Grammar in Focus讓進階文法課程也可以變得很有趣。透過大量的圖片與各類的文章呈現,讓學生了解文法就在生活中,學習無距離。

▌一套以大腦潛能學習理論(brain-based learning)為基礎所編寫的文法教材。從大腦潛能與學習關係的研究可知,學習者在放鬆但帶有些許挑戰的狀況下,學習效果最佳。此外,運用學生既有的知識並做有意義的連結,學習者才能夠學得完整,才能夠真正學進心裡,學得精。

▌全套共三冊,每冊20個單元,每單元四頁,每四個單元一份Review Test,老師可立即了解學生學習狀況。


▌接續,則是二頁的Notice & Practice透過簡明易懂的圖表,讓學生了解文法結構、意義及用法。同時,以大量的controlled練習強化學生對此文法的熟悉度。

▌為讓學生更加熟練文法規則,並且對文法的使用上更得心應手,在延伸練習(Expanded Practice)則是採用具上下文情境的練習,讓學生除知道文法結構和意義外,能更加熟悉文法在生活中的用法。


Source: 敦煌書局

Oxford International Primary Science

A complete six year primary science course that takes an enquiry-based, active-learning approach to teaching young learners the skills they need to become confident scientists.

-A focus on scientific enquiry and global skills
-Communication activities help EAL students develop fluency in scientific language ​

Source: Oxford

Oxford International Primary History

A complete six year primary science course that takes an enquiry-based, active-learning approach to teaching young learners the skills they need to become confident scientists.

-A focus on scientific enquiry and global skills
-Communication activities help EAL students develop fluency in scientific language ​

Source: Oxford

Houghton Mifflin Science Dimension

Students are natural scientists—born with a curiosity that fuels learning. Educators have the critical role of channeling this innate learning power to help students think like real scientists. With new science standards in place, this role has taken on greater importance—and more complexity.

Designed from the ground up to address the Next Generation Science Standards*, HMH Science Dimensions™ puts students in charge of their learning and enables teachers to seamlessly guide their students on this new instructional path. This unique NGSS curriculum means better engagement, deeper understanding, and greater student achievement.

Source: Houghton Mifflin

Everything You Need to Ace World History In One Big Fat Notebook

Everything You Need to Ace World History . . . kicks off with the Paleolithic Era and transports the reader to ancient civilizations—from Africa and beyond; the middle ages across the world; the Renaissance; the age of exploration and colonialism, revolutions, and the modern world and the wars and movements that shaped it.

The BIG FAT NOTEBOOK™ series is built on a simple and irresistible conceit—borrowing the notes from the smartest kid in class. There are five books in all, and each is the only one book you need for each main subject taught in middle school: Math, Science, American History, English, and World History. Inside the reader will find every subject’s key concepts, easily digested and summarized: Critical ideas highlighted in marker colors. Definitions explained. Doodles that illuminate tricky concepts. Mnemonics for a memorable shortcut. And quizzes to recap it all.

Source: Oxford

IELTS 雅思課程

歐美就讀必考的IELTS 雅思國際英語測驗系統(The International English Language Testing System),是由劍橋大學英語考試院設計用來評估欲前往英語系國家求學、移民或工作者在聽、說、讀、寫四項全方位英語的溝通能力,與托福同樣為全球廣泛接受的英語測驗。目前全球每年有超過350萬人次在超過140個國家和地區參加雅思考試。雅思已經成為考生人數最多的國際英檢考試,並且是全球英語測評的領導者。參加此課程請購買美國權威級Barran’s的考試用書,配合我們優秀的老師,引導您考出高分

TOEFL iBT 托福課程


劍橋國際英檢 YLE / Main Suite

劍橋國際英語認證是「英國劍橋大學語言測評考試院」 (Cambridge Assessment English) 專為各階段英語學習者所研發設計的分級測驗,依試題難易度分為 A2 Key、B1 Preliminary、B2 First、C1 Advanced、C2 Proficiency 五個級數,包含聽、說、讀、寫四項完整評量,旨在全方位評量非英語系國家考生聽、說、讀、寫的英語能力。測驗內容涵括學術與各行業主題,並參考國際市場的需求設計評量內容;測驗成績通行全球,為多國學校、機構所廣泛採用。成績除可自我評量英語學習成效、鼓勵學習英語之外,亦可作為留學申請或評量員工英語能力的標準。本中心辦理A2 Key/B1 Preliminary/B2 First for Schools三個級數,測驗項目及程度與A2 Key/B1 Preliminary/B2 First相同;測驗內容涵括日常生活情境,並著重學生的生活及校園經驗,適合高中(含)以下學生報考。 Source:

Trinity Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE)


日本英文檢定 EIKEN

「實用英語技能檢定」(EIKEN)是日本使用最廣泛的英語檢定考試,日本的國、高中老師常會鼓勵學生參加EIKEN考試,高中、大學在甄選學生的時候也會給EIKEN拿到高分的學生優待,比如說讓高分學生不用參加入學英文考試等。每年總計在世界各地有超過 200萬人參加EIKEN考試。

